Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Circles and Trees: Baby Megan

Its been a month more than a year now when I first learned that a close friend of mine is pregnant! Imagine me being so excited to finally have a maternity photoshoot with one of my college buddies. Unfortunately for me, Megan was so excited to see the world and she was born before we even had a chance for the maternity shoot, too excited she came out almost two months earlier than scheduled.

It was a little bit scary (okay, it wasn't just little bit) to watch my friend struggling and hoping for her baby's safe delivery and recovery. But with relief, here is she--so cute and healthy! Soon, it will be her birthday and I am but feeling older and older each day (kidding).


Sunday, July 1, 2012

Looking Forward

I don't think I'm getting any good with being bummer and being stuck in this quarter-life crisis so this should really motivate me for now.

Am I seeing anyone of you in Araneta Coliseum? Whose gonna be there?