Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Greenwich ULTIMATE Treat with DFAT 2013 and Davao Bloggers

The last stop of our Davao Food Appreciation Tour 2013 brought us to Greenwich Pizza—the very same bloggers event that introduced me to the Davao Bloggers.

Just like before, we were welcomed by the warm staff of Greenwich Ilustre. While our first event introduced us to their chicken and pizza selection, this time we were able to taste the meatier and the more saucy lasagna as well as their pizzas!

Improving from their already-delish pizza and meal choices, Greenwich has added more meat, cheese and savoury ingredients to their pizza, lasagna and chicken making it the ULTIMATE pizza experience.

Here are some of the ULTIMATE and OVERLOAD experience we had with Greenwich.

Thank you Greenwich!

Like their Facebook account here  ( and follow them with their instagram @greenwichpizza and twitter @greenwichpizza

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